Monday, May 10, 2010

Baby Highchairs: A Buying Guide

Baby highchairs are essential when it comes to baby furniture. But unfortunately, not all baby highchairs are created equally. There are literally hundreds of different styles, makes, models, colors, etc.
If your little one is ready for baby highchairs, here is a little buying guide to help you choose the perfect one.

•    Fully reclining baby highchairs are designed for babies who bottle-feed. If you don’t want a high chair that fully reclines and prefer to hold your baby when bottle-feeding, you can wait until they can sit up on their own. This usually happens around 4 to 6 months.

•    It’s a good idea to purchase a high chair cushion to ensure your baby’s comfort while they’re sitting in the chair.

•    If you have a small kitchen, look for a chair that fold easily so you can store it away when you’re not using it.

•    A high-chair with a tray that allows one-handed adjustment makes it easier for you to hold your baby by leaving one arm free.

•    Adjustable chairs are really popular with many parents. With these you can adjust the height, seats and trays to accommodate your growing baby, so they really are the most economical choice.

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