Monday, July 5, 2010

Check Out These Stylish Handba…Er, I mean, Diaper Bags

Many women who have babies feel they have to trade in their stylish handbag for a less-than-fashionable diaper bag. But who says just because you carry around baby’s supplies all day you have to sacrifice your personal style? If you’re diaper bag is starting to look like a diaper itself, it’s time to treat yourself to a stylish upgrade and check out these 3 covert diaper bags from Timi & Leslie. Next time you're browsing the baby furniture store, look for these great styles:

1) Baby Jane Diaper Bag- Bronze: This diaper bag has it all—good looks, great inside storage, and extreme durability.

2) Hannah Diaper Bag- Pewter: It may leave you looking like a lady, but the second you open it up, you’ll be feeling like a prepared Boy Scout with you baby arsenal expertly tucked away in all the pockets, zippers, button and other storage spaces.

3) Marilyn II Diaper Bag- Teal: If you’re someone who needs a little color and retro appeal in their wardrobe, this bag is the perfect addition. It looks fit for the runway, but it’s really ready for the nursery.

All bags are fully stocked with great features: a few of the highlights include an a stylish matching clutch with credit card slots, an insulated bottle tote, stroller straps, 6 interior organizations pockets, and an insulated bottle tote. These and many more styles are available at your favorite baby furniture store,!

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