Monday, May 17, 2010

Safeguard Your Home for Babies and Toddlers

Last week, I was putting away groceries and slammed my hand in the cabinet door. I felt like an idiot, but, it really hurt! I started thinking that if I could hurt myself that easily, it could be even worse for a baby or toddler. If you have a little one in your home, or are about to, you should probably head out to your baby furniture store and pick up some safety devices. Here are a few that every home should have:

•    Stove and Oven Knob Covers:
Babies and toddlers LOVE playing with buttons and knobs. Unfortunately, that means the oven. These handy items easily cover up knobs preventing even the most precocious youngsters from starting a fire.

•    Corner Cushions:
Personally, I stub my toe on the corner of my coffee table at least 3 times a week. Therefore, corner cushions are a must-have for anyone with a baby or toddler learning to walk or crawl.

•    Outlet plugs:
When my brother and I were kids, he had an obsession with putting stuff in light sockets. Mainly my Barbies' feet and hands because they were a perfect fit. My mother nipped this weird and dangerous habit in the bud and headed out to the baby furniture store to purchase some outlet plugs. They are great for keeping your little aspiring electrician from seriously injuring themselves.

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