Monday, June 28, 2010

Enchantment By Way Of The Baby Furniture Store

When I found out I was having a baby, one word came to me. I don't know if it was in a dream, or I read it somewhere, or had seen a Disney movie recently. I did feel a little dazed. And lucky. There were many factors, but there it was: enchantment.

As I strolled through the baby furniture store, daydreaming in this new way that was more real than it had ever been before (was that a kick?), I was drawn most of all to anything that resembled an enchanted woodland forest. I knew that this was the nursery I wanted.

Here are the treats the baby furniture store was just waiting to reveal:

1. The Glenna Jean Birds & Leaves Chandelier. Frankly, I would love this anywhere I saw it, it just happened to be in the baby furniture store and fit perfectly with my new theme of enchantment. I love that my baby will look up at soft light reflecting from the dangling crystals and the sweet birds perched, singing to him/her (we don't know the sex yet!)

2. Lambs & Ivy Enchanted Forest Wall Appliques. Well, it doesn't get much more enchanted forest than this. Raccoons, owls, squirrels, mushrooms dancing across the nursery walls. They're so sweet! I ran into the wall appliques first, and adore them, but it turns out that Lambs & Ivy has an entire enchanted forest line. I guess I know where the money I used to spend on drinks out with my girlfriends after work is going to go now.

Next trip to the baby furniture store, I'm thinking it's between their plush owl and the fawn hamper...

3 comments on "Enchantment By Way Of The Baby Furniture Store"

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