Monday, July 12, 2010

Tips for Buying a Baby Bathtub

Although your baby probably doesn’t do much but eat and sleep, they will need to be bathed, and for those times, a baby bath tub can really come in handy. Here are a few things to consider while your out shopping for one at the baby furniture store:

-Where will you put it? While the tub itself is easily portable, you should plan for a place near a faucet with enough room, to use the baby tub. You’re going to want all of your soaps and towels within reach, because you should never leave your baby alone when they are in any depth of water.

-What style of baby bath tub is best for you and your baby? There are tons of models and styles of baby bathtubs, all with their own features. You may feel comfortable with the old fashioned plastic tub, or you may want extra features like a thermometer or a sidewall to drain dirty water. There are also European style tubs that are said to mimic the feeling of being in the womb.

If you want the best selection and best prices of baby bath tubs, infant cribs and more, be sure to visit!

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