Monday, April 26, 2010

Breastfeeding: Good for You and Your Baby

The International Breast Feeding Symbol

Despite the American Academy of Pediatrics advice to breast feed exclusively for the first six months of your baby’s life, and continue for her first year, many mothers don’t. While around 80% of mothers begin breastfeeding at birth, this rate drops to about 30% after the baby’s first year. The figure is markedly lower for black mothers, only about 10% of whom continue breast feeding after the first year.

Why is breast feeding so important? It allows you as a mother to hold and cradle your baby, ensuring she gets all of the loving touch that she developmentally needs. Breast milk is the healthiest milk for babies and releases hormones and helps mothers to lose weight. Plus, it reduces risk, disease, health care and feeding costs.

Ideally breast feeding should continue until your baby is around the age of 2. After that, it’s probably time for a toddler high chair and regular food. Baby high chairs are also great for when your baby’s not breastfeeding and you don’t want to put her in infant cribs. A toddler high chair or a chair booster seat is a good option for helping your baby to adjust to eating at a table.

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