Monday, April 19, 2010

Smile More to Keep Your Unborn Baby Healthy!

In a recent Wall Street Journal article, researchers tied pregnant mother’s stress to potentially harming an unborn baby. It’s not the kind of stress you’re thinking of, though. It’s stress about the pregnancy itself.

Women who worry about birth defects, miscarriage and other fetal mishaps can impair the growth and development of their babies, resulting in lower cognitive development scores at the age of one year.

Finding time to relax and enjoy pregnancy can be greatly beneficial to lessening the stress on a soon to be mother. Especially if you’re worried about what to get for the baby, you can start your shopping early. Baby highchairs, infant cribs and playpens for babies are all items that you can buy before the baby is born. The sex of your child won’t matter when it comes to what kind of baby highchairs are used.

If you find yourself stressing out over your pregnancy, or any other aspect in your life that you think may affect your pregnancy, it’s important to laugh and smile. Surrounding yourself with loved ones and people with a positive attitude will keep you happy, which in turn will keep your baby happy in your belly. No need to worry about your unborn baby, everything will be fine.

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